Week 4: Academics

This week in Honors FYE we talked about academic integrity, fixed inset, and growth mindset. Fixed mindsets are when people feel like they have no reason to try to improve. For example, like I mentioned in class is that I feel like I will never be good at math. I don’t personally enjoy math and I feel like it isn’t essential for my life. Due to this I typically avoid math classes. This would be considered a fixed mindset because I am closed off to the idea of being involved with math. A growth mindset would be to work harder in math class or to be open minded towards that subject. Doctora did agree with my opinion on math. According to the document shared with us, a fixed mindset “Intelligence is static” and in a Growth Mind-set “Intelligence can be developed”. However, it was brought into question how can we change the way we think or fix our problematic habits. In the video, Neuroplasticity, it is explained that the brain is capable of shifting and can be rewired through using new pathways. If individuals such as myself were to try and reinforce an idea like, “math is necessary for everyday life” perhaps I could change the way I feel about math. In regards to other academic topics, in class we did an activity focused on our opinions dealing with plaigerism and cheating. As a whole the class agreed that cheating happens everywhere but plaigerism is a choice. We conducted a case study that summarized several situations that could take place in ordinary college life. Some cases such as, “Sign Me In?” could be considered a grey area, however there are other cases such as “Two Grades for the Price of One” where students have clearly made poor choices. Ultimately it is up to each student to be honest and do their work with integrity. When making poor choices, students can risk having to go to meetings for academic standards. By violating some academic  and moral codes students lose out on the value of their college education. For further understanding of Academic basics, students can view the Academic Standing page on Georgia Southern’s website! Students at Georgia Southern University also have access to essential tools such as a GPA Calculation Worksheet, the GSU Academic Calendar, and the use of their Georgia Southern Portal. Besides making good grades, students must know how to withdraw and register for courses. Students can find information on the process of enrolling/withdrawing on the Georgia Southern University website. I personally, looked through these tabs and know that I will most likely need this information for the future of my college career. Another way to endanger your time here at Southern is to break the Code of Student Conduct. Not only was this provided by my FYE teacher, it was also sent by the University to everyone’s email accounts. This code includes both academic and behavioral patterns that are not accepted at the University. I think college as we have heard is a great place to grow and experience new things. However, we should all work and play hard. Each student should do their work and stay safe. I think that by making these choices we are assured a wonderful four years. I personally can not wait to see what all is in store! 
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT CHEATING ON A TEST  -- Male high school student looks off of his fellow peer's testImage result for code of conduct
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