Week 5: Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion
This week we talked about Diversity and Inclusion. The main thing we discussed was the film, “which way home.” This film focused on the story of young Immigrants from South American countries like Honduras, Guatemala and Venezuela. This film had a huge impact on the class. Prior to watching the videos we discussed our opinions about immigration into the United States. There were many different opinions on this topic especially since recent government activity relates to this issue. The film which way home showed several people trying to get to the “Estados Unidos” and them riding on “la bestia” to get there. This journey to the United States was very dangerous. Many people died falling off the train and were stopped by corrupt police. Dangers for women on this journey were massive and one of the boys, Kevin, gives a re-account of how he witnessed two women being gang raped on the train. After watching and hearing of the horrors these people faced, I asked myself why would they do this? Why would these people try this hard to get to the United States even if it meant dealing with traumatic events and even death. My group was tasked with looking at the films context on the Media Literacy and Analyzation sheet which helped answer some of my questions. A lot of these people are just trying to escape poverty and help their families. I think that watching this documentary changed my perspective and helped me to understand why people want to get into the United States so bad.  One of the questions asked for the context portion says, “has anything occurred that is relevant to the claims or focus of the film?” My group answered yes. This is currently a hot topic For example, I recently have noticed it on Instagram. Selena Gomez posted about a new Netflix series called, “Living Undocumented”.  I looked at a diagram that talked about national migrants day which is December 18th. I also watched two videos on immigration titled Uttarakhand's Migration Woes and The Price of Immigration. These videos offered locals opinions from India and Mexico’s citizens and explained why they desired to leave home. In India, children can barely receive education and have to work odd jobs to make ends meet.  The next video international migration, explains push and pull factors. This video explains the difference between push factors like poverty and war and pull factors such as economic opportunities and safety. Another factor to consider is the well-being of immigrants. The article, “Does migration change life for the better for people from poor countries?” offers the idea that life after migration is not always better unfortunately. I also listened to a podcast (link provided below) titled “Immigration: What’s going On?” This podcast gives a personal account of a first generation American migrant whose parents left their home, a tropical paradise, so that the children of the family could have a better future. Overall, immigration is a sensitive subject. I do think that after this week I will be better prepared to handle future conversations on this topic with knowledge and grace. 

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Image result for immigrations

Image result for immigrations


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