week 11

I am a music major and am semi confident that I will continue this major throughout my college career. By the end of this semester I will have earned fourteen credit hours along with the sixteen credit hours I brought from high school. I do not believe that I am missing any credits from high school. I will be required to take three core credit hours in the honors program. I met with my honors and regular advisor this week and after the current and following semester I should have two out of three of my core honors courses completed. This year I am doing community service for my experiential learning project. I am doing the BA program for voice and this requires me to take a minor. If I am correct then I could graduate one or two semesters early. Completing my undergraduate education in the honors program helps me to achieve my long term goal of earning good grades in my classes and challenging myself to continue to work hard. I will especially have to work hard to complete the four foundations and the thesis requirement. This week as we planned for our future semesters we also discussed how to ask powerful questions. Doctora had us read, “The Art of Powerful Questions.” This article was written by Eric. E Vogt, Juanita Brown, and David Isaacs. This article explains that there is a way to create more powerful questions. The article shows a pyramid that displays the most to least effective words for asking questions. The most effective questions begin with the words why, how, and what. The less effective questions may begin with who, when, where, which, yes, and no. This article also gave a few examples of how asking the right questions can catalyze productivity and cultivate a better work environment. For example, Barbara Waugh creating an explosion by asking how her company could be the best for the world which enacted a chain reaction. By tactfully using powerful questions we have the power to improve our surroundings. 

Image result for the art of powerful questions Image result for the art of powerful questions Image result for academic planning


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